Yiruma’s all about love


sorry, sorry, I’ve been kinda absent this time, don’t know what’s happening…..

Ah, well – that’s life

What a pathetic exuse, I realy don’t allow myself to say this kind of excuses, but right now…..it seems totally fine.

Because that’s what it is.

Life is all about life, and love.

Don’t forget that.

And of course, when I think about live, I think about Yiruma’s music, yup, that guy’s a genius when it comes to lovely-dovely music

Here comes:

When The Love Falls




here, I have another one:

Witch one is better, according to you??

as always yours – AndSoIGoOn

Something I wonder about……


Will we ever run out of new music??

When I saw that headline on youtube, I instantly cklicked on the video and found out.

It was very funny and very informatinve, that’s awesome! 🙂

But vhen I saw at the producers name –



it didn’t tell me anything in particular……

Do you know Vsauce?

If no, I would like to tell you whohe is and what he’s doing ^_^

Vsauce are a series of YouTube channels created by

Michael Stevens


and other ”YouTubers”.

The channels are known for producing videos relating to various scientific topics, as well as gaming, technology and other topics of general interest.

There are Vsauce 2 and 4 and weSauce, that’s the fans of vsauce who’re uploading videos to Vsaoce!

Pretty fun I’d say, and veeeery educational ^^

Here’s the video, enjoy!

And here’s another one!

Have you experienced déjà vu? – AndSoIGoOn

Pewdiepie – and his amazing voice!


I hope you have heard ofthe new sensational gameplayer PewdiePie……

But you defenitly haven’t heard his amazing voice!

Befor I share the viedo I’m going to tell you a little bit about Pewds:


Felix Kjellberg (that’s his real name:P) is a 23 year-old Swedish video game commentator known for his videos on YouTube.

PewDiePie is known for his Let’s Plays on horror-themed video games, as well as playing many other types of games, including flash games and records his reactions through audio and webcam recrording.

PewDiePie’s fanbase is known as the ”Bro Army”,” which includes almost 4,000,000 subscribers on YouTube making him the seventh most subscribed channel, and is known as one of the fastest growing channels on YouTube (about 21,000 a day).

He himself says thet he started recording himself because he was afraid to play Amnesia by himself.

Felix lives in San Paolo, Italy, with his girlfriend, Marzia Bisognin, with his two pet dogs, a pug named Maja and a yorkshire terrier named Ynk (pronounced ink).


Originally, Felix lived in Gothenburg, Sweden, so i feel very proud!! 😀

PewDiePie opened his YouTube account for PewDiePie on April 29th, 2010, with a Minecraft playthrough video showing a zombie that was trapped in a minecart by the other players.

Months following from his Minecraft video, he started doing Call of Duty: Black Ops commentaries, and Let’s Plays on Amnesia: The Dark Descent and Dead Space 2.

PewDiePie then began uploading many Let’s Plays and playthroughs on horror-themed videos, includingAmnesia custom stories, and began playing flash games and other types of games, including Façade.

On Fridays, PewDiePie would upload a video known as ‘Fridays with PewDiePie’, which would include vloging, doing Q&As, opening fanmail (known as ‘bromail’) and other aspects.

That’s really funny ^_^ ❤

He also did an Omegle video, and most popular, his scary/funny moments montages!

PewDiePie spawned his database known as the ‘Bro Army’, entitling users who subscribed to him known as Bros.

As of January, 2013, PewDiePie has over 1,000,000,000 video views and 4,000,000 subscribers.

So yes, that’s a bit information about the amazing person ”PewdiePie.

And now, here comes the videos!



Firstly; his first Amnesia video!

Oh, and don’t forget that this is one of his early videos, so he still dosen’t show his face……wich is really sad, but what to do…..

Next, I want to show you one of his ”fidays with Pewdiepie” –  video 🙂

I think this was the first  ”fidays with Pewdiepie” –  video that I saw, and I am also positive that it was this video that made me start my Pewdiepie – romance.

No, what am I saying – BROmance (since I’m a bro)!

Least but not last – Pewds shows off his talent!


The headline is weeery ironical, just so you know…….AndSoIGoOn

Feel Good


”A gentle brease fron Hushabye mountain…”

Today I am going to present some ”feel good” songs that I’m listening to myself 🙂

the first one is

Hushabye Mountain



Stacey Kent


She is an American jazz singer, born in 1968.

Her debute album came out 1997 and was named Close Your Eyes.

After that she gave out several albums.

Yeah, I know that it’s nothing much, but it’s better than nothing!

And some words about the song:

Hushabye Mountain” is a ballad by the songwriting team Robert and Richard Sherman.

It appears twice in the 1968 motion picture Chitty Chitty Bang Bang; first as an idyllic lullaby and later when the children of Vulgaria have lost all hope of salvation.

Quite sad, don’t you think?

It’s really short, but it goes right throught your heart…..

It’s really gentle, and very calming.

I hope you like it.

And I’d like to present another clip to you, well, since I’m used to post 2 things in a row! 😛

I first heard this song when I watched Nikons commersial….does that say anything to you??

I’ve looked for this song forever, since I lived it!!

It sows such warmth and compassion, and …..oh I don’t know, it just brought a tear to my eye….. :’)

If you haven’t guessed yet, let me present:

Radical Face


Welcome Home

Home sweet home, eh?

Radical Face is a musical act consisting of

Ben Cooper


The name Radical Face was chosen after seeing it on a flyer.

(He later found out it was a plastic surgery flyer saying ‘Radical Face-Lift’ with the word ‘lift’ ripped off. Hahahha Funny! ^_^)

Wel, not much information to get here either, but whatever, the song’s the most important part anyways!

Hope you love it, I sure did!

PS. I’ve been slacking of lately, but that’s because it’s been really intensive this last month!

I want a reas……..oh well – AndSoIGoOn

The Piano Guys!

The Piano Guys!

Oh Hello, Today I’m going to introduce

The Piano Guys

They are simply amazing, and I personally like them very, very much!

are an American musical group consisting of Jon Schmidt, Steven Sharp Nelson, Tel Stewart, Paul Anderson and Al van der Beek.

They became famous through Youtube (my beloved Youtube…. 🙂 ), where they posted videos of renditions and mashups of popular songs accompanied by professional-looking video shot and edited by Paul Anderson and Tel Stewart.

In December 2011 they released their first album!

I really want to buy that cd, and hopefully, when you have listent to a couple of songs that they’ve made, you’ll want one too!

In fact, I have already posted one of theirs videos here, but I didn’t tell anything, because I thought that I would tell you later!

And now I’m doing so! 🙂

Okay, since it’s christmas I thought that a christmas song would be nice to listen to, so Today I present:

Carol of the Bells

And of course it’s not with the ”usual” carol, but with a twist to it!

This video contains 12 cellos, that’s a lot of fun!

They always take a song that is really well-known and make it to theirs!

here’s another video.

This is actually the first video that I ever heard by The Piano Guys, and I think that you’ll immediately understand why!

If you’re wondering why this piece is called ”Code name Vivaldi” that you can listen to this piece by Antonio Vivaldi (I will write more about him later on):

I can definitely hear the resemblance, can you?? – AndSoIGoOn



I think it would be fun for you if I told you about a Swedish tradition; Lucia!

I don’t know if you live in Sweden or somewhere else, but ……….I’ll forse you to read this anyways!! >:)

Saint Lucia’s day

is the Church feast day  dedicated toSaint Lucy and is observed on the 13th of December.

Its modern day celebration is generally associated with Sweden and Norway but is also observed inDenmark, Italy and many other European countries.

In the United States it is celebrated with cookies on the mantel in states for a large number of people of Scandinavian ancestry, often centered around church events.

In traditional celebrations, Saint Lucy comes as a young woman with lights and sweets. It is one of the few saint days observed in Scandinavia.

In some forms, a procession is headed by one girl wearing a crown of candles (or lights), while others in the procession hold only a single candle each.

And that’s what I’ve been doing the whole day!

It’s pretty exhausting, to travel around and give professional concerts for everyone that wanted a concert….

But it was extreamly fun to, no complains fron me!

But, Lucia is often celebrated when it’s dark outside, the contreast to the candles that we have is higher then.

And the darkest hours are 8 o’clock in the morning, or earlier!

So I had to get up 05.50am today to get to my destination (I know that I’m mixing o’clock and am but oh……)!!

And the problem is that you can’t sing really well 8 o’cklock in the morning!

Now I’m going to present

The Swedish Lad

and he’s going to tell you more about Lucia!

Hope you found this enjoyable!

PS. Lucia songs are MUCH more sofisticated the cristmas songs, but they still are ”kinda” christmas song for us…..

I’m going to post some of the songs that I like, so you can hear them too!

Strålande Helgonfe

This song is a bit sad (sut seriously, almost  ALL songs from Sweden are sad! You’ll be sure to se me post some other Swedish folksongs! 🙂 )

and it’s about Sankta Lucia, who concuerd death, whan she wanders around in the snow with her candle, in the middle of the night.

She walked with a crow of light in her hair, with only the stars as guidelines to find the humans and become like them.

Too cheer you up a little I’m going to show you a more hmmmm, how to put it……ah, I don’t know!


Staffan var en stalledräng

This son is about Staffan, he’s a farmer and thakes care of the horses mainly.

The song goes about him riding his horse(s) and it’s lucia Night – the most dangerous night in the whole year!

It’s dark, and he thinks that the night is about to end, but it’s never ending!

It’s cold and he’s alone……….

But  he’s not afraid of the darkness or the creatures of the night!

He has the stars to wath out for him, and he safely comes home.

The song goes also about some birds, that it’s beautiful when it’s snows and how fun it is with christmas!

Time for the video!

This video (and the pervoius one) is shot at


a swedish concert hall that has an intresting figure:

I think it’s quite visible on this photo…..

Anyways, When I was a bit smaller I had concert there every year with my classmates, the 13:th decenber!

PPS. I forgot to show you the most common song on Lucia’s day:

Sankta Lucia

Baciclly this song is about Lucia (I’m not writing that much because I think my post is already far, far to long, with it’s sidetracks and everything……) 🙂

Oh, I just found a funny photo on the internet, This photo describes pretty well how we all look like 8am in the morning:


Happy Lucia! – AndSoIGoOn


Witch! (xxxHOLiC)



Sonce I’m pretty lazy theese dark days of winter, I’m going to continue the Manga/Anime- theme!

Today I’m going to talk more about


well, I think that you already know that this manga is written by the amazing CLAMP ( Iwrote that last time…),

and this is one of my favourite mangas ever!

xxxHOLiC is about Kimihiro Watanuki, a 17-year-old student who can is deeply disturbed by ghosts.

He meets Yuko Ichihara, a witch who owns a shop – a shop that grants any wish you have; if you can pay the prize that is….

Kimihiros wich is that he dosen’t want to see the ghosts, but the payment is high.

He cannot pay it, but Yuko says that if he works at her shop, she can – by time –  grant his wish.

And so, the adventures begin….

Clamp came with the idea of xxxHolic when wanting to create a series which would link with the others they made.

This manga is also closely connected with Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles, and if you read them, you’ll see the similarities!!

xxxHolic was serialized  periodically from 2003 until March 2010.

The manga is published intanköbun volumes under the KC Deluxe label and a total of nineteen volumes were released.

The manga has been well received by both Japanese and English readers, having appeared in various rankings of bestselling books. Critics have generally given praise to the series for the way supernatural elements are portrayed as well as for the artwork used for the illustrations.

Okay, I think I said enough 🙂

Time for music!

I will put up three videos this tim, because I can’t choose wich one to show! 🙂

This song is my favourite, it really shows the character of the witch Yuko, and how her life is.

It’s full of mysteries, and I can’trelly decide – is she a good or evil??

Her life is full of mysteries, and she seen too know a lot, actually, she seems to know a bit too much……

She’s scary, and totally unexpected!

This video is pretty funny, and if you watch the anime, you’ll definitely hear this soundtrack!

last, but not least I want to finish with a mysterious soundtrac Space & Time, wich is also partly about Yuko, but also about the whole story.

The most strange sthings on this eart are humans – AndSoIGoOn

I’m going to create another ”category”!


Alors, I’m going to create a new category, and this time I’ll introduce you with pride and happiness to one of my biggest interests (except piano, muse and gamers):

I herby present:

Anime/Manga Music!

Oh, you say – she’s one of those crazy, weird people who’s emo, dosen’t have a life, and so on, so on…….but seriously, stop.

You don’t know what you’re missing!!

I definitely recommend Manga/Anime for everyone, because, it’s fun, easy to learn, beautiful, and you learn a lot about another culture!

I find it extremely fascinating, and I’m sure you’ll be fascinated too. 🙂

I’m going to present an manga now, witch I like quite a bit, and I will also write a bit about those who wrote this manga, they are my favorite group of mangaka (those who really enjoy manga, and draw it)!

Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle



made by


So, my computer are not working properly, so I’ll can’t post enything

Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle is a shönen manga series written and illustrated by CLAMP.

It’s a fictional universe the is also cross-lined with another manga (that I will tell you a bit later) xxxHOLiC, but when you read other mangas made by CLAMP, you can clearly see that they take place in the same universe as Tsubasa.

The plot follows how Sakura, the princess of the Kingdom of Clow, loses her soul and how Syaoran, a young archaeologist who is her childhood friend, goes on a quest to save her. Dimensional Witch Yuko Ichihara instructs him to go with two people, Kurogane and Fai D.  Flowright. They search for Sakura’s memories, which were scattered in various worlds in the form as feathers, as gathering them will help save her soul. Tsubasa was conceived when four Clamp artists wanted to create a manga series that connected all their previous works. They took the designs for the main protagonists from their earlier manga called Cardcaptor Sakura.

i’ve read Cardcaptor Sakura, and it you’re older than 12, then it’s sorrowfully too late for you to read it, you will find it a bit childish.

Still, a great manga!

It was serialized from May 2003 until October 2009, and was collected in twenty-eight tanköbun volumes.

The manga later became an anime,  which aired 52 episodes over two seasons during 2005 and 2006.

Tsubasa was also as a film and original video animations  between November 2007 and May 2009.

The series has been well received by Japanese and English readers, and it reached high positions on various best-seller lists; the series has sold over twenty million manga volumes in Japan as of September 2009. Both the manga and anime have had positive response from critics, who praised its connections to previous works and its artwork. The plot twists in later parts of the story have been generally praised for how they affect the overall plot as well as for being surprising. However, they have been criticized for being confusing.

And, yes, I think it was confusing, I had to reread the plot several times before I understood, but then I did!

But I don’t think you should start by reading this manga at first, you should start with something easy.

Let me think about it for a while, I’ll give you some advice…..

Anyhow, let’s move on to CLAMP!

CLAMP is an all-female Japanese Manga Artist group that formed in the mid 1980s.

Many of the group’s manga series are often adapted into anime after release.

The leader of the group is Nanase Ohkawa.

When the group was formed, there was 11 members, but over the years, the members was reduced to 4!

Those members who still form the group are:

Mokona Apapa

Tsubaki Nekoi

Satsuki Igarashi

Almost 100 million Clamp tanköbun copies have been sold worldwide as of October 2007.

Beginning as an eleven-member döjinshin circle in the mid 1980s, they began creating original work in 1987. By the time they debuted with RG Verda in 1989, their numbers were reduced to seven. In 1993, three more members left, leaving the four members who are currently still part of the group. In 2006, members decided to change their names; Ohkawa later changed her name back from Ageha Ohkawa to Nanase Ohkawa, while the other three members retained their new names.

”döjinshin = http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/D%C5%8Djinshi )


So, my computer are not working properly, so I’ll just post the link to the picture I want to show:

Okay, I think that’s all for today!

Now, let’s move to the music!

Alors, the musik is made by Yuki Kaijura, but, i’ll talk about her later…. 🙂

Hope you like it, and start reading a manga!

and here’s another one, to praise you for being able to read this…..

Oh, before I forget it – I really recommend you to go to a library and borrow a real manga, because they explain how to read it, AND the explain some words that are necessary to understand.

You can borrow whatever you wish, but I seriously recommend following:

Death Note by Tsugumi Ohba and Takeshi Obata

Fullmetal Alchemist by Hiromu Arakawa

Naruto by Kishimoto Masashi

Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles by CLAMP

There’s a whole world of manga out there – AndSoIGoOn

Prepare your ears – christmas songs are here!!


If you by some lucy chance have missed that christmas is on the way, then I’m very happy for you.

I wish I was that lucky…..

Not because I don’t like spending time with my family, or opening presents, or having snow up to my knees (no kodding!), but there’s just one thing that’s always ruining it:

Christmas Songs

I don’t know why I specificlly don’t like christmas songs…..oh wait, I actually do:

They are horrificly cheesy and overly happy!!

I just don’t like when you’re supposed to be happy from november to December because of one single day!

I like New Years Eve much more, because you say goodby the the old year, and welcome the new year, that is making a bit more sense to me……

Hmmm, but to make things clear: I do enjoy Christmas, and I do not enjoy the overly happy and delutive feeling you’re supposed to have before it!

Like, I’m really stressed out before Christmas, I don’t have time to be overly happy! 😛 😛

Oh my, I will stop talking right here, and here you go, today I’d like to present:

Nox Arcana

i’m going to post other things by them, so I’ll just wait with the introduction until next day! 🙂

Anyway, the made a whole cd just with Christmas songs, but with a twist, let’s see if you get surprised!

Carol of the bells can be in a lot of different versions – AndSoIGoOn