Do you know where the cat went?



I’m going to show you one of my most favorite clips on Youtube, and it’s

The Mean Kitty Song

I don’t know if you have seen it, but 70 ooo ooo other people did, so I’m a bit uncertain….

Anyhow, the video is made by

Cory Williams,

he’s a youtube personality/celebrity and he’s born 1981, he’s still alive, and he lives in Carligonia USA.

”The Mean Kitty Song” (or ”Hey Little Sparta”), based on his cat with the same name, is Williams’s most popular video to date.

As of September 11, 2012, it has attracted over 66 million views!

In one year, it became the top 21 of YouTube’s list of all-time favorite videos, top 39 of YouTube’s list of all-time most discussed videos, number 1 all-time most discussed Pets & Animals video,  and is the No. 1 all-time favorite video in the Pets & Animals section.

The video was also aired by CBS’ the erly show and a few other television shows as well.

So he’s a really cool guy, who have done quite a lot in his life – a role model!

okay, I’ve talked enough, here’s the video:

I actually have a cat too, he’s a ”Brittish shorthair”, and he’s colour is concidered ”blue”.

Well he isn’t quite blue, but in a cold lightning he’s actually becoming blue!

He’s really big, he weights 5kg (10 pounds) and his name is Bamse, witch means ”bear” in swedish!

But he’s really sweet and he’s also a scaredy-cat!

He’s afraid of everyone and everything, and because of that, he’s a really good runner 🙂

It’s facinating.

Later I’m going to post a text that I wrote about a cat, and he’s also like Bamse, but he’s a little mean…

The adventures never stop when you have a cat… – AndSoIGoOn



Okay, so, LOTR isn’r really just a random letterkombination.

But of caruse every fan of LordOfTheRings knows this.

So mabye you are an LOTR fan, I don’t know.

I’m going to talk about  the author.

J.J.R. Tolkien

An Author that like J.K Rowling made several generations read his books – and love them.

Tilkin lived in England and he was an English writer, poet, philologist, and university professor, best known as the author of the classic high fantasy works, The Hobbit,LOTR, and The Silmarillion.

He was at one time a close friend of C.S. Lewis (who wrote Narnia) and he was a professor at Oxford University  from 1925 to 1945.

He lived between 1892-1973.

He died from acute gastric ulcer.

After his death, Tolkien’s son Christopher published a series of works based on his father’s extensive notes and unpublished manuscripts, includingThe Silmarillion. These, together with The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings form a connected body of tales, poems, fictional histories, invented languages, and literary essays about a fantasy world called Arda, and Middle-Earth within it.

Tolkien is often refred to as the ”father” of modern fantasy litterature, as he had the enormous succes with The Hobbit and LOTR, and you can really understan why, I really hope you have read or at least seen LOTr on the movies!

If not, here comes a little music that can settle your mood for fantasy!!

I’ve choosen 2 videos that you can watch and they are a bit different dought it’s the same LOTRmedley.


Witch one is the best song? I cannot decide – AndSoIGoOn

All the right things..


When i’m feeling down or are bored I like to listen to this song

All the right things

And so, the guy who wrote this, his name is

Son Lux

I personally believe that his name means ”without light” but I can’t get this confirmed.

You just have to trust my latin word knowledge… 🙂

Anyhow, Son Lux is just a stage namne, and I first thought that this was a group, but apparently it’s only one person!

His name is Ryan Lott, and he’s from America. That’s about all the information that there is to get on internet…..sometimes it is strange that

”the internet” dosen’t have information…

ah well, here you go:

It’s not your fault – AndSoIGoOn


Education must go on!


hello, I’ve come to light up ou world with some education inmusic!

This time I will present

Aram Khachaturian

Aram Khachaturian was an Sovjet/Armenian composer (1903-1978)

He lived alongside Schostokovitch and Prokofiev, and is sometimes considered as one of the three ”titans” os Sovjet.

I will now post two pieces composed by Aram, one that is of my choise, and one you will definitely recognise.

firstly, may I present:

Waltz from ”Masquerade”

And then, you will of course recognise:

A bit chaotic in the end…, but nice! – And SoIGoOn


A necessary end


Hello, this past week it has been very dark outside (when you wake up, it’s dark, and then it’s a little sunny, but then it’s dark again at 3..).

And this week I have been unexpectedly tired.

It’s strange, because usually I’m an nightowl (that’s what we in Sweden say when people don’t want to sleep when it’s dark 🙂 ), and I’m often very tired when the sun’s up and is shining in my face…….I find that irritating.

I’m usually more lively when it’s dark and I can see the snow glowing and so on…..but this week has been torture on me!!

And I don’t get it! Why?!

I’m always fine with darkness, but this week I’ve been tired all day, every single day ont the morning, in the middle of the day, and in the evening.

I’ve been so tired that I couldn’t do my homework and piano practice, I’ve just been sitting here and listening to some music…

I don’t understan why this is happening to me…..and I get quite depressed from it.

I can’t do things I want to do, and that’s very stressing, and then depressing because it’s stressing……..a evil and dark circle.

So, when I’m down I enjoy music that is a bit depressing too, and today I’m going to present:


I don’t know much about him, but I like his music, it’s dark, bittersweet and powerfull.

It surrounds you and makes you surrender to it, give in so to say.

It is different, chaotic but on the other hand, calm and collected.

It reminds me of a book character: Raskolnikov in

Crime and punishment



This is a really good book that makes you think, and it’s interesting too!

You should read it, if you have some time (just find it)!

ok, back to the topic.

If you like some darker music here is

A Necessary End

This title interested me, and so I clicked on it.

I am not disappointed.

I don’t think you will be disappointed.

And I’m actually post two videos today, because I think they fit very well together.

here it is:

The Opening

Lately I’ve been doing some longer posts, haven’t I? – AndSoIGoOn


Here I am


Here I am – in school.

Right now I’m writing in my English class…….haha, but it was my teacher who gave me the computer, and internet!

It’s her fault, solely 🙂

So, right now I’m in a state of sleepiness that’s not going to dissapear until I get out of scgool, and go back to my bed.

But you know, life is like life is, nothing’s perfect….I’ts not my fault that I’m tierd, it’s Slendermans fault!

Lately I’ve been watching this HILARIOUS gamer Markiplier (Idon’t know if that’s his real name…), and he’s playing

Slender (ok, this computer is a bit retarded, so it doesn’t want to write like I want it to!)

I’m sooo stuck on  it, I even downloaded the game (just serch ”slender” if you want to try it ^^)!!

But I’m really afraid of this kind of games, so I only collected the first page, and then I quit.

It’s really scary – you know when little kids are afrid of the dark, that’s because thy don’t know what’s in the dark…..well this games concept is about the same…..

But the funny thing is to not to play the game yourself, the funny thing is to see other people play it!!

And this is what I’m going to show you today – not musicrelated at all, but please say that  it’s okay to have other interests to??

Don’t be afraid of the slenderman – AndSoIGoOn

classics that everyone should know


Ohi there, I haven’t been posting anything lately, but I’ve seen you, you’ve been here.

That’s really nice! I’m a happy person 🙂

Okay, you’ve seen today’s headline ”Classics that everyone should know”.

That’s what I think, and I’ve decided to make this as a category for my music, wich means that I’m going to show you the top noch of the classical music, music that EVERYONE should know.

And since I’m a pianist, why not start with a piano piece??

May I present:

La Campanella

by the world’s greatest pianist alive:

Evgeny Kissin

So, let me speak a few words about the composer and the pianist.

La Campanella is written by no other than Franz Liszt



He was a considered as a french composer, but he was born in Hungary (1811), and he died in Germany (1886).

He was said by his contemporaries to have been the most technically advanced pianist of his age, but he himself denied it.

He composed some incredible hard pieses, witch I’ve never played, but I guess that I will play some when I get older.

Liszt was also a well-known and influential composer, piano teacher and conductor.

He also played an important role in popularizing a wide array of music by transcribing it for piano.


Now, a few words about the pianist, Evegny Kissin.

He was born in 197 in Russian, and he is a Russian classical pianist (but he’s now an English citizen).

He first came to international fame as a child prodigy, and He is especially known for his interpretations of the works of the Romantic repertoire, particularly Frederic Chopin, Sergei Rachmaninoff and Franz Liszt.

Today he is going to play La Campanella, witch transcripted means ”the little bell”.

This piece was originally written by Niccolo Paganini (I will definitely come back to him later), and this melody comes from the final movement of Niccolo Paganini’s Violin Concerto No. 2, in b-minor, where the tune was reinforced by a little handbell!

Liszt has rewritten this tune for piano, and it is the third of six Grandes Études De Paganini.

Well, now I think it is time for you to listen to this incredible ”little bell”.

It is Incredible hard to play! – AndSoIGoOn





I have bought their new cd.

I have bought a ticket to their concert.

I love them.

Seriously, I’m in love – forever.

And yes, I’m dead serious 🙂

This is


They like to compose pop/rock/dubstep/ and other popular songs that are mixed with Rahmaninoff and Chopin – Classical music!!

They like to mix the voice – so that the instruments and the voice become one!

Every song is unique, and very charismatic – to melt every hart there is!!

Thy are perfect.

Simply amazing.

And that they became this popular!

This means that composers can survive!

I’m going to stop here, because I vant to listen to the cd, and because I want you to go and listen to them!!


Find your own opinion, and share it with the world!

because they’re worth it ❤

Here’s a little help:

Muse, forever in my heart – AndSoIGoOn




The best bands ever!


I have some up with a new ”challenge” – my favorite bands ever !

(I’m not counting classical music, because in classical music it dosen’t matter witch composer it is – they are all number one for me!)

So, this is my most loved band, whoI adore to the absolute, and whose song are timeless….


The best bands ever! – AndSoIGoOn